Website Updated: 07/02/2025

Company Objectives

  • To carry on the business of a finance Company and to advance, deposit, lend money or provide financial assistance with or without security to the State Government and Government Company, State or Municipal Body, Local Body owned and/or controlled by the Government of Rajasthan.
  • To receive grants, loans, advances or other moneys or deposits or otherwise from State or Central Government, Banks, Financial Institutions, Companies, Trusts, Co-operative Societies and other Financing Agencies excluding public and or individuals with or without interest thereon.
  • To carry on the business as an holding and investment company and to purchase or otherwise acquire underwrite, invest in, acquire, hold trade or deal in immovable and movable properties of all kinds in any part of the country.
  • To provide consultancy and financial services to the State Government, State or Municipal Body, Local Body owned and/or controlled by the Government of Rajasthan, State Owned Public Sector Undertakings and Organisations.
  • To enter into the business of Investment Banker.